Alice Andrews

Borgerliga intressen men hjärtat till vänster. Välkommen till min högst osporadiska blogg.


Capitalism, racism, patriarchy, borders and nation states have been eliminated. Flying is not possible except for emergencies, and private cars are banned, but the train system is widely expanded and public transport is free. There are lots of bike-kitchens where people will help you with your bikes for free, and give away free bikes for those in need. This is possible since everyone has a basic salary/citizen salary that allows people to not work for money if they don’t want to.

Meat and dairy products are forbidden, so all land that was previously used for growing crops to feed to billions of cattle and other animals we ate, is now used to grow vegetables and plants, so no one goes hungry anymore since we have more than enough food to everyone.

Direct democracy is the governance system, so if the people are not satisfied with the representative person of their opinions, they can exchange them. Governance is also made much more locally, and with a long-term perspective.

People are free and loving, free to do whatever they want as long as they do not hurt anyone or anything else. Nature has its own legal rights and is fully protected. Sharing-economy is the norm, so people don’t have to buy so much new stuff but can share what they already have.

Chains like H&M and Walmart are forbidden, only local businesses blossom. People are not as globalised as before since they cannot fly anymore, but instead if they travel they travel by train and thus travel more slowly, taking the time to really meet new people and places along the way. The journey is the goal. These long travels are possible since people don’t work as much. The norm for full time is 6 hours a day, but most people work less than that because it is not needed since it is not a goal in itself that the economy should grow.

Gender does not exist anymore, so transphobia, sexism or homophobia does not exist either, because people are just people, loving other people.

Peace prevails, because we have reduced our carbon emissions drastically by eliminating capitalism, flying and consumption of meat/dairy, so the natural resources are no more a reason to fight over. Neither is religion, since people of all religions and non-religions live peacefully and respectfully beside one another.

Animals are seen as individuals, not things. The few forests, flowers and other plants left on earth are left alone to re-grow and flower majestically again.

Caring occupations like taking care of old people, kids and sick ones are highly valued since they are so important for the society, so everyone has access to these facilities since it is so popular to work with this. Occupations that has to do with economic growth for companies do not exist anymore, since we rather strive for de-growth.

People are free. And so is the nature.

Om mig

En (snart) trettioårig person med (snart) tjugo års (!) bloggkarriär, som nuförtiden mest upprätthåller bloggandet för min egen nostalgis skull, men du är förstås välkommen att hänga på. Skriver mest om kultur jag konsumerar, men även om min vardag, politik och annat smått och gott. Borgerliga intressen – god mat och vin, vackra tavlor, klassisk litteratur och dyra sporter – med hjärtat på rätt ställe (d.v.s. vänster).

